Tuesday, October 25, 2011


                 To die in the waiting room of a hospital is bad. To die in the waiting room of an hospital while staff and security walk right pass you for over a hour while your dieing has to be worst. From the article "The woman who died in the waiting room" by Jeneen Interlandi it shows you how public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care to the poor and uninsured since the early 1960s. Knowing whats in this article is painful. This is why i strongly agree with a point that was made in this passage " the mentally ill should be offered a place in society".
                My grandmother just turned 83 and has been living in different nursing home for the past year and a half now. My grandmother has numerous amount of problems with her that range from blood clots in her legs to having Alzheimer's and not every hospital or nursing home can provide the care that she needs. Alot of nursing homes do not take her type of insurance or if they did they no longer do and had to change nursing homes.  This was a big issue for my family and i because she had no place to go besides with her family (which was not properly trained to deal with her situation). This made things much more difficult for my family.
         I seen many videos over the Internet or even in school where psychiatric patients are being abused, mistreated , or not being attended to. My senior year in high school my history class was shown a video where the mentally ill was being mistreated and abused. This video took place in a hospital for the mentally ill on Staten island where a camera crew snuck their way into the hospital where they recorded the staff pushing the patients on the floor and beating them. Even in one scene they shower the staff stacking the mentally ill patients on top of one another. This hospital was soon shut down once the video aired on TV.
                 Ti is absurd to believe that there is no place for the mentally ill to go. What the problem might be is the lack of phychiatric care. Many patients suffer from chronic conditions and are neglected from the day to day counseling or medication they need. Furthermore until someone puts a stop to not providing the proper attention that these people need the abuse and neglected will continue on and be over looked

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


          How would you fill if you had to pay more for colleges-universities if you are an immigrant who is living in the u.s international (who pay taxes) compared to people who are living in the u.s illegally. Isn't that being rewarded for doing wrong? From an excerpted from "An Education in Citizenship" Chicago tribune Illinois house recently passed a bill that allows young people in the u.s illegally to pay in-state tuition rates at Illinois colleges and universities . I do not speak for myself when i say everything that the government is doing should go by the law which to me should define people citizenship's and rights. If the government is not going to go by its own immigration laws maybe their laws should change. But until that day comes no law should not be over looked at anytime. This article makes a point that i agree strongly with "This nation sorely needs to reform its complex, often-unenforced immigration laws. But until that day comes, it cannot blithely ignore those laws".
            If the government doesn't follow its own laws (the structure that this country was made on) why should we as the people of the u.s follow the laws that is given to us. No law should just be tossed aside an over looked at anytime. I was told in Phoenix's Arizona cops are able to stop any pedestrian and ask them for their green card or documentaion to prove that they are legal residents there. furthermore if this is happending in arizona why aren't they doing this though out the rest of the u.s. Why wasn't a law passed for cops to do this everywhere but instead a law was passed to allow illegal immigrants to go to school free. It is more reasonable to be in the contry legally and Illinois senators have not consider this.
        The in-state and out-state tuition gap in Illinois is absurd. Students who wish to go to colleges or universities in Illinois who are not from the state or Illinois must pay a tuition rate of $13,906. As for people who are residents of Illinois only pay a fee of $5,302. As you can see the gap between tuitions is unreasonable .I am a student at lagudia community college in longisland city queens who planes to go away to suny delhi next semester.After reading about the tuition diffrence between in-state and out-state tuition fees in Illinois im wondering is it like that with every college or universitie and if it is how is that going to effect me and my education.
             The facts and opinons that i stated support my point of veiw that if the government is not going to follow the rules then why should we the citizens of the u.s follow the rules that are layed out for us. No one should be taken away from a education.When you are doing something wrong you should not be rewarded for it. Walking over immigration laws or any law in genareal would not be a wise move to make. These laws should be taken with a more fouceful approch. Tuition rates weather in-state or out-state should be equal or fair for everybody. No one should be deprived from a good education.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


           In the passage "An education in citizenship" the main idea is a bill was passed in Illinois that allows young people in the U.S illegally to pay in-state tuition rates at colleges and universities in Illinois.In this passage you will first read about the difference in tuition for in-state and out-state. Next you will read what issues come to surface because this law. Last you will read is it right to let people who live in the U.S illegally pay for for school or is it wrong.
        With this bill being passed by Illinois there is a major difference in tuition. Students who are in-state residents pay 5,302. Out-state people who are wishing to go to colleges or universities pay a tuition of 13,906. Congress in Illinois fill that people who are not in the united states illegally should pay more for their education because they are not in the U.S legally.
       Some people fill that the nation isn't enforcing their immigration law. I say this because in the article it states that :the notion that someone can have no legal right to be present in the country but be entitled to a very expensive and valuable benefit of citizenship is absurd on its face". People believe that it doesn't make sense that if you are not suppose to be in this country you shouldn't be able to go to school.
       There are alot of arguments to be made because of this bill. One of the strongest augments that was made was" is it right to charge legal citizens from other states more for tuition then we charge no-citizens that are immigrants?" As you have read people are strongly aginst this bill for many reason. at the end of the argument there will only be one reasonable distinction.